Sunday, 16 June 2013

Liposuction In Medan #01 (photos and video)

A few months back, I made a huge decision of heading over to Medan for liposuction on my thighs. I'd say it's the best decision I've ever made by far.

Please please please do not make the mistake of expecting instant results. I have impatient friends who expected to see instant results and they get all cranky while waiting to see their newly shaped bodies. I say, enjoy the healing process, massage the areas diligently and you'll see by day. Yes! Day by day!! 

I've set up this blog to keep track of the improvements. I swear my thighs look different everyday. Hehe. I'm super psyched!


DAY 1 :)

My flight to Medan from Singapore was at 9 plus in the morning. That meant that I could have my surgery done on the same day so naturally I was feeling nervous. I have never undergone any comestic surgery so I didn't quite know what to expect.

Anyway, i'll just fast forward to when I've finally reached Dr.Arthur's clinic. I was greeted by the receptionist and told to fill in a form. After which I was shown the gym, kitchen and my room. The two narcissistic portraits of Dr.Arthur's in the gym made me laugh a lot. Not in the bad way though. Hahaha! Do keep a look  out for that when you're there. I promise that it'll be worthwhile.

So I bathed, changed and waited for consultation. It was about 2 hours long and Dr.Arthur made it really fun. It was nothing like your usual clinic consultation. It is necessary although some patients find it a hassle to sit through it. You should realise that it will benefit you more than it will benefit the doctor.

So after consultation, I was told to head to the recovery room and was injected with this IV drip

I believe I was injected more than 4 to 5 times with painkillers. I'm going to be super honest and tell you that it's gonna hurt like a bitch. I remember it feeling like a really strong and sharp pressure on your vein. Imagine that pain and mulitply it by about 5 times.

So I went back to my room. I felt a little disoriented the whole time and i'm guessing it's the pain killers. I space out easily as well haha. I think the painkillers helped quite a bit with my nervousness. I remember vaguely that when I was injected with the painkillers, I felt my heart rate going down. So anyway me and my friend ordered lunch and because the delivery took more than 1.5hours I didn't get to have my lunch.

I headed to the recovery room.....more injections into the IV drip. But heck, it can only do me good. So after I was done with all the injections I headed to the operation room.

I took off the green operation "tubedress" and took some pre-op photos. I don't know why but I remember feeling like a dirty fat wanna be pornstar with the camera clicking away. Hahaha.

Anyway yes, take a look at my elephant legs. My fat thighs bring all the cannibals to the yard.

It was time for me to lie on the operating table.

I was injected with tumescent and I wasn't able to feel much pain after. I fell asleep for a while but woke up really easily. I remember Dr.Arthur asking why I was breathing so hard. I actually was asleep and I breathe that way due to sinus. 4 hours of surgery felt like 20mins. Many parts of the surgery, I do not remember.

But hehe, look! I have a video. That's me! Anyway for those who can't view the video this is the link:

My left leg done.


Blech. About 3L worth of fat!

This was taken immediately after op. I have pretty legs now :')


DAY 2 :)

A lot of people were saying that the worst part is the post op massage. I seriously thought it wouldn't hurt so much but man, I was wrong. I teared a little during the massage. Ok not a little... But it was the silent kind...

But I promise you it's all worthwhile.

I cant seem to flip the video. :(  Apologies! Anyway, this was taken right after the lymphatic massage. My legs were really skinny compared to before lipo. In my opinion, it was even skinnier than the first day after lipo.

So I'm back in Singapore. I've been getting my bf to help with the massage everyday. I've seen some improvements. They not as skinny as immediate post-op but they're definitely healing. I've been taking photos of my thighs daily and will be posting soon. Stay tuned if you're interested in finding out more! :)

Thank you Dr.Arthur for doing your best!

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions!


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