Sunday, 28 July 2013

#03 Post thigh lipo week 6 and update on arms lipo

Hello everyone! If you have been going through Dr.Arthur's facebook, you'd know that I went back for my arms liposuction barely six weeks after my thigh lipo. Well yes, I'm trying to rush it out for Zoukout, that's true.

But hey, I'm really eager to take a look at my whole body transformation. The results are amazing and the best part? I don't have to worry about having any complications as Dr.Arthur uses the traditional syringe method. I hope you don't think that I'm helping Dr.Arthur with the advertising... You must understand how good it feels to be in the hands of a trustable doctor and that you only have to concentrate on recovering after the surgery knowing that it'll definitely turn out good. I can't imagine having to undergo liposuction with another doctor and having to worry if I'd kena those ugly cloud looking complications.

source: case no. 66

Both pictures are post op done by another surgeon. UGH. I cannot imagine having that!!! Or having to worry about having that!!!!

Update on my thighs: 

Anyway, my legs are amazing they look so long now!! It used to look shorter and a lot heavier. Honestly, I'm feeling more confident than ever.

Before and after of thighs!                  

Here's the 6 week post op lipo video of my thighs:

video link :

I'm having problems uploading my pre op thigh video/stitching all videos together. But I'll keep trying! For now, just take a look at my pretty legs. Hahah!

Anyway, I cannot stress enough the importance of having to massage your lipo-ed areas everyday. You'll get to see changes and it helps expedite the recovery. Post op care is extremely important! I mean, I've got skinny legs now without having to exercise and it's the easy way out so I wouldn't mind having to put in some extra effort to massage it.

Arms liposuction with Dr.Arthur: 

I'll go ahead and post up some pre-op photos and post op photos and videos. Enjoy! :)

Just look at the flabby arms! BLECH!

Okay now for some post op photos! 

Can you already tell the difference??? :O

I'm going to cry :(((((((((( ALL MY FATS ARE GONE. And I have skinny arms now.

Let the pictures do the talking.

Post Operation day 1

I have a few other videos on hand which require a little more effort(flipping and compressing) before uploading and I'll be uploading them in few days. So stay tuned if you're keen! :)


Best breakfast EVER. 

Mr.Suyono(?) the friendly driver 

Remember to stay tuned for more videos and updates on both thigh and arms post lipo! :)

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